get to know Selina

learn more about Selina

after working more than ten years in various companies and roles in HR I decided to start my own company. 
I want to empower people and organizations into becoming the best version of themselves, through continuous change and self-improvement.
have a look at my 'get to know me' video to find out more! 
curious about the details? in the experience & education section you'll find your answers! 

describe myself in a few words? 

I'm passionate, embrace change, I'm a problem solver and unconventional thinker.

Colleagues and friends will agree, my healthy curiosity brings me to places where I can 'figure things out', where I can work with change (and the impact it has on people).
Connecting with the person behind the employee on one hand and recognizing patterns at organizational level on the other hand are a very inspiring combination for me. I am broadly interested in different topics (get to know them here!). The reason? Lifelong learning!
To be stimulated anew every day by enriching, profound contacts and new insights:
that is what really excites me!


experience & education

2021 - 2022  Pfizer, Geo Solutions, Pendula,...
consultant on organizational development topics and diversity, equity & inclusion

2018 - 2021 Agilitas Group
learning & development manager

2017 - 2018 Randstad
learning & implementation coach

2010 - 2017 Randstad
HR consultant

2022 KU Leuven
diversity management

2020 - 2021 Antwerp Management School
change management 
business strategy & leadership

2013 - 2016 Vives Hogeschool
bachelor applied psychology

2007 - 2010 AP Hogeschool Antwerpen 
bachelor communication management 

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contact me


+32 492 18 46 44

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