
why is diversity, equity & inclusion so important to me?

my first encounter with DE&I in a professional context was rather coincidentally, because of a project I participated in.
But I quickly felt a strong connection to the topic because of the common grounds with my personal values.

it's important and I strive to make the debate better.
To be able to contribute from a more privileged side to give a voice to others who feel and maybe actually are disadvantaged.

one DE&I pillar that really warms my heart is female leadership. And I mean this separately from the biological term "woman" . In today's society there is more need for 'strong' vulnerability, connectivity, creativity... these are mainly characteristics of female leadership. My ambition is to make more impact in creating a platform within organizations, where the female leadership style can get a embedded place.

in what ways can DE&I have an impact within an organization? 

    different voices are heard within an organization and these represent different truths. Everyone lives according to their own truth, from their own view of the world. Built up through experiences, education, the spirit of the times, beliefs, etc. From that framework we determine whether something can be considered 'normal' or not.
    I like to compare it with the discussion about wearing a headscarf and the painting 'Girl with the pearl earring' by Vermeer. Nowadays the headscarf is mostly associated with the Muslim ideology. In the 17th century it was completely normal for Vermeer, who was Catholic, to paint his muse with a headscarf. What is normal and what is not? Who determines that?
    Inclusion means to me that you do not just blindly accept everything. Everyone may and must be heard. 
    It also means setting boundaries, when certain things are or feel no longer 'ok'.
    No matter how inclusive we want to be, there will always be a ranking within organizations. That is just the way it is.
    I do believe that those who are higher in the 'ranking' have a greater responsibility to include as many - other - voices as possible. They absolutely must play an active role. Simply preaching the 'open door' policy is not enough.
    They need to ask people in!
    Installing DE&I as a culture in an organization is more than organizing cultural themed events -  it is, in my opinion, mostly about: what is going on in the undercurrent? i.e. the subtle exclusion. What do we think is ok and what's not, because it feels too uncomfortable?
    There lies the key to a breakthrough around real DE&I policies. Investigating the undercurrent is what we have to do!

 what is inclusion?

an animated summary

source: 'inclusie: voorbij wij-zij denken' - Human Dimensions

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+32 492 18 46 44

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