
hybrid working: why I was already convinced before the pandemic

pre-covid, in my professional context at the time, I was already able to work from home. I experienced then that I started to organize my work differently. In retrospect, I was already engaged in 'activity-based working' at the time. I observed similar behavior in my team members: choosing the right workplace according to the task you're working on. Working focused on a task by yourself or connecting and creating together.
The 'open office', as we have known it for a long time, is a real challenge for our brains. While you need to be able to focus at some point, you are faced with an overload of stimuli. It seems almost inhuman to me to then expect to be able to perform. In any case, it makes me happy to see that many organizations - perhaps accelerated by the pandemic - are now embracing hybrid work in a professional manner.

why hybrid working is more than providing a laptop and a headset  

hybrid working was forced upon many organizations by the pandemic.
for some, this was a culture shock, so to speak, that raised many additional questions.

  • how do I lead my team remotely?
  • how do I sustainably adapt my leadership style?
  • how do we realize a project together from a distance?
  • how do we ensure a good onboarding of new colleagues?
  • how do we discuss difficult issues via videocall? 
    in other words, the issues reach much further than the appropriate software, a headset, good office chair, etc.

    how do we approach this?
    the organization provides a framework but the teams have to discuss it.
    You cannot apply a one size fits all policy. if you do, there is a chance that there will be teams that don't feel at ease with it and will consequently not perform optimally.   

key building blocks for hybrid working 

in my opinion these are the 4 major building blocks (not necessarily in this order) 


adapt your organizational culture

do the same work in a different way. Dare to challenge sacred cows. See to what extent processes need to be set up differently. And ask yourself the question 'who has the mandate to determine how we will work in the new normal? ' (and is that the right voice?)


work on team cohesion

work on team cohesion from the well-being principle: pick up nonverbal cues during online meetings, celebrate successes, meet offline. (walking meetings! my favourite)


ensuring a good hybrid workplace

both in terms of infrastructure and also the less tangible. Mix the real world with the virtual world (use avatars, for example). Make clear agreements about the communication channels: when do you use which channel?
Innovative thinking is crucial here.


'appropriate' leadership

choose your own term to address this kind of leadership: decisive but also caring. Make your decisions as a leader based on different perspectives. Provide a framework but also give your team the necessary autonomy. Beware of the pitfall of micromanagement. Also have an eye for the informal leaders in your team and give them space.  

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+32 492 18 46 44

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